Free Fall 5k donation to the Homeless Shelter

Willem Verweij Physical Therapy and Runner’s Alley Winter Running Workshop

On January 5th  Willem Verweij Physical Therapy and Runner’s Alley offered an excellent workshop on winter running. Willem is a long time member of the running club as well as a sponsor of the Free Fall 5k.  

During the workshop Willem and Lucas (the PT that specializes in injury prevention and treatment for runners) showed a good number of exercises that strengthen the muscles used when running.  Willem has given us permission to share his written instructions and the links to their video instructions to club members. 

They suggest doing these exercises one after the other.  These don’t take a lot of time and help create some muscle fatigue which will help you get stronger.  With some practice these exercises could be done in 15-20 minutes.

The reps and sets below and mentioned in the videos are guidelines.  Adjust up or down as needed.  Your goal is to get the muscles to some level of fatigue.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

The links are below.  We hope you will find them helpful!

1. High knees – start with 3-5 sets of 30 seconds.  Progress to 5×1 minute

2. Mountain climber – 3-5 sets of 30 seconds

3. Single leg bridge – 3 sets of 10 each leg

4. Plank variations – facing down 2-3 sets of 10 each leg.  Side plank lift top leg 5 times 5-10 sets each

5. Quiet Jumps – 5-10 30 second sets on each leg (or on both legs if two-legged)

6. Skate Jumps – 2-5 sets of 30-60 seconds

7. Reverse Lunge – 3 sets of 10 on each leg–A

Epsom Old Home Day 4-Miler

The 9th annual Epsom Old Home Day 4 Miler will be held at Webster Park in Epsom NH. This year it is also the 5th race in the NHGP series that includes 8 races for 2018. Start time is 8:30 AM and there is also a 2 mile walk option.

Any Rochester Runner (or former RRC runner) can get a special deal of only $15 instead of $20 or $17 for NHGP members if you mail the application to Don Yeaton with your check!

2018 Epsom OHD race app

Runners Help the Homeless

Check out this great article in Fosters!!

Dopey Challenge

RR wants to congratulate Kevin Scott and Cliff Parkinson for completing the Dopey Challenge at Disney World in January. The Dopey challenge consists of running a 5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon and full Marathon, over four consecutive days.  Well done!  Who’s idea was to do the Dopey Challenge???  We’ll have more about the Challenge and some photos in the next newsletter.  


Free Fall Classic 5k Charity Donations

I am so pleased to let RR members know that our first donation of $1,500 has been received by the Homeless Center of Strafford County.  This week I will be dropping off a $1,500 check to Jerry’s Food Pantry. This year we are also donating $100 to End 68 Hours of Hunger.  This is a volunteer effort to provide backpacks of food to students in Rochester schools to ensure they have food over the weekend when they do not have access to school meals.  Thanks so much to all the volunteers who made this race a success. The Free Fall Classic has truly become a community event. This is how a RR membership supports a club activity. We cannot do it without all your help.

Officers 2018

During our December Christmas Party/meeting, election of Officers took place for 2018.  After serving the club for the past two years, Ken Houle, Vice President, and Bethany Robinson, Secretary, decided not to continue for the this year. I cannot say enough good things about the work both of them did for RR.  Currently the Officers are; Thom Flynn, President, Mike Andrews, Treasurer, and Bill Leonard, Web-Master. Bill has been gracious in offering to help keeping track of memberships. We continue to welcome any club member who may be interested in filling either Ken or Bethany’s position.


Reminder to members that dues can be paid by mail or done online. Membership is $20 dollars per individual and $25 per family. Please renew on-line (where you can print your membership card)  Our club is a non-profit and dues go right back into supporting club activities.   

BAA-Boston Marathon Bibs

RR was unsure, like many running clubs, if we would be receiving any Boston Marathon Invitational bibs this year.  The Boston Athletic Association (BAA) told clubs last year that due to more individuals qualifying for Boston and running for charities, fewer invitational bibs would be available in the future. However, we got a late surprise from the BAA. RR received two invitational bibs in January. It is such an honor that we have received the bibs again this year.  Last year the Officers decided that if bibs were received, they would be awarded by the Officers based on the member volunteer times and club participation. The Officers offered the bibs to the club members with the most volunteer hours and Bill Leonard and Regina Flynn accepted. Congratulations to both for all the work they have done for the club!

Club Christmas Party

Please join us for the annual Rochester Runners Christmas Party, December 11 at 6:30pm at the Community Center.

See the meeting on Facebook